2025 Lenten Schedule
March 4, 6pm: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
March 5, 12pm & 6pm: Ash Wednesday Liturgy (Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes)
Sundays in Lent: 10am Holy Communion
7pm Compline Online (please email the Church for link to join)
Wednesdays in Lent: 6pm Lenten Soup Supper and Evening Prayer
Holy Week Schedule
April 13, 10am: Palm Sunday Liturgy
April 16, 6pm: Holy Wednesday Liturgy
April 17, 6pm: Maundy Thursday Liturgy
April 18, 6pm: Good Friday Liturgy (Joint Service held at Grace Evangelical Christian Church, 12 Dromgold Dr, Shermans Dale, PA)
Easter Schedule
April 19, 8pm: The Great Easter Vigil
April 20, 10am: Easter Sunday Liturgy and Easter Egg Hunt in the Church Yard