- Home
- About Us
- Leadership
- Most Rev.: Ray Sutton
- Rt. Rev.: William A. Jenkins
- Rev.: Ricky McCarl
- Rev. Dcn.: Kevin Murphy
- Parish Administrator: Adam Egan
- Senior Warden: Drew Samuelsen
- Junior Warden: John West
- Vestry Member at Large: Jerry Berardi
- Vestry Member at Large: Anna Dean Egan
- Vestry Member at Large: Peter Hayes
- Vestry Member at Large: James LaGrand
- Calendar
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- Sermons
- Advent: The Four Last Things: Death
- Advent: Four Last Things: Judgement
- First Things First
- Our Christian Vocation Unity and Peace
- The Hope of Mothers
- Virtue
- Law and Promise
- Sinners in the Hands of a Merciful God
- Spiritual Gifts and the Calling of God
- Flee Idolatry
- Adopted into the Family of God
- Servants of Righteousness
- Peace and Persecution
- Suffering and the Christian Life
- Gospel Humility and the Unity of the Church
- Murder by Another Name (Cancel Culture and the Christian Life)
- What is Love?
- New Life in Christ
- Grace Received in Vain
- Keeping the Fast
- Nativity
- Advent: The Four Last Things: Heaven
- Advent: The Four Last Things: Hell
- Advent: The Four Last Things: Judgement
- Advent: The Four Last Things: Death
- Redeeming Time
- The Oxford Martyrs
- The Christian Woman's Veiling
- Unity
- The Sin of Sectarianism
- The Means of Grace: Word and Sacrament
- Maundy Thursday: Eucharistic Participation
- Palm Sunday: Humility Unto Death
- The Baptism of Christ the sacrament of assurance
- The True Sacrifice of the Mass
- Circumcision and Justification by Faith Alone
- Christmas 2022
- Waiting for Christmas
- Prepare the Way for the Coming of Messiah
- The Word at Advent
- War in Heaven and on Earth
- The Armor of God
- Christian Nationalism and King Jesus
- Growth in Faith
- Reformed Catholic Worship
- The Victorious Rider
- The Lukewarm Church
- The Throne Room of Heaven
- The Secret Decrees of God
- That Woman Jezebel
- The Dead Church
- The Living Church
- The Persecuted Church
- The Loveless Church
- The Glorified Christ
- In the Spirit on the Lord's day
- Revelation Introduction
- Blessed is the Kingdom
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