Weekly News and Notes
Episcopal Visit: What a blessed Sunday we had with Bishop Jenkins! Conrgrats and continued blessings to the Confirmands and New Members! A special thank you to Tara and the women of the parish for providing the splendid luncheon!
Lenten Schedule: Our complete Lenten Schedule is available on our website, handouts in the back of the Church.
Lenten Compline: Adam and Anna Egan will be offering an online service of Compline each Sunday evening of Lent at 7pm. This service will be online, the link to join will be provided soon.
Lenten Soup and Evening Prayer Wednesdays: Each Wednesday of the Lenten Season we will gather at 6pm for a simple soup supper followed by the service of Evening Prayer. If you would like to sign up to provide soup for one of the evenings please sign up on the bulletin board in the Education Building.
Lenten Mite boxes: The children of the parish are participating in the Lenten Mite Box tradition, collecting alms during Lent. We have plenty of Lenten Mite Boxes available if you or your family would like to participate. Mite Boxes are due Easter Sunday.
Women's Group: The women's meeting will be Sunday, March 30 at 4 o'clock at the Samuelsens. (733 Appalachian Ave). We will be studying chapter 8 of The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges. Our memory verse is Galatians 6:10
Holy Smokes Men's Group: Will meet Sunday, March 30 at 3:50pm at Caleb's house.
Easter Egg Hunt: We are in need of donations for our Community Easter Egg Hunt, which will be on Saturday April 19th. We need plastic eggs and candy that will fit in the eggs.
Vestry Meeting: Sunday, March 30th following Worship.
2nd Quarter Rota - The 2nd Quarter Lay Reader and Lector schedules are live on the website!
Sunday Ministry Schedule
10am Holy Communion
Lector Old Testament - Jerry Berardi
New Testament - John West
Acolyte - Mr. Samuelsen
Lay Reader - John Ritchie
Full schedule can be found here.
Sunday Lectionary Lessons
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Old Testament: Ezekiel 39:21-29
New Testament: Galatians 4:21-31
Gospel: John 6:1-14