
Most Rev.

Ray Sutton

The Most Rev. Ray Sutton serves as the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) and the Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid- America.  He is also the Dean of the Province and Ecumenical Affairs of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). Bishop Sutton has authored four books on theology, his most recent being 'Signed, Sealed and Delivered:  A Study of Holy Baptism.'  Bishop Sutton resides in Dallas, the Bishop's Offices are at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Communion.  

Rt. Rev.

William A. Jenkins

Bishop William A. (Bill) Jenkins Sr. was born in Havre de Grace and reared in Harford County, MD. He is a graduate of the Harford Christian School, Manahath School of Theology, and Reformed Episcopal Seminary. He served as Pastor in the Evangelical Methodist Church at two parishes before being received into the REC in 1990, where He has served as Rector of Emmanuel and Faith for 33 years. Bill has also served as Canon to the Ordinary since 2014, first under the Rt. Rev. David Hicks, and then under the Rt. Rev. R. Charles (Chuck) Gillin. He was consecrated to the Episcopate in April of 2023 as the Coadjutor for the Northeast and Mid Atlantic Diocese of the REC.​Bishop Jenkins has been married for 41 years to his college sweetheart, Kim. They have seven children, 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.


Ricky McCarl

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Father Ricky has served as Vicar of Good Shepherd since January of 2020. He was ordained to the Diaconate on June 3rd, 2016 and the Priesthood on May 27th, 2018. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Bible from Lancaster Bible College and a Master of Divinity from Biblical Theological Seminary, with additional studies at the Reformed Episcopal Seminary. In addition to his duties at Good Shepherd, Father Ricky also serves as a Hospice Chaplain and works part time as a mortuary assistant at a funeral home in York. He and his wife, Lynette, reside in Hanover, Pa.  To reach Fr. Ricky, you may email him at rickymccarl@aol.com.

Rev. Dcn.

Kevin Murphy

Kevin Murphy’s involvement with Good Shepherd goes back almost to the very beginning of its formation. He was officially able to become a member of the congregation in 2020. Before Good Shepherd he was a member of a church plant in Harrisburg for the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA), where he and his wife, Sonia, had their children baptized and confirmed in 2003. He also assisted in planting another Reformed congregation in Harrisburg, which eventually became a Bible Fellowship Church. He has been a longtime proponent of men’s ministry and discipleship, an interest that has led to his leadership role in the Christian Business Men’s Connection (CBMC) of Central Pennsylvania. He also serves as Chaplain at the Bethesda Mission Men’s Shelter in Harrisburg where discipleship is among his everyday responsibilities. Although a native of New York City, he moved to Central Pennsylvania after becoming a member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, where he practiced law for over 20 years.  Kevin was ordained to the diaconate the 7th of October 2023.


Sara Leone

Sara Leone teaches part-time at a Christian school and is the published author of Her Husband’s Crown – A Wife’s Ministry and a Minister’s Wife.  She is married to Scott, a retired engineer and an ordained minister, and they have three children and five grandchildren. Sara enjoys family history, traveling, crocheting, writing, and reading. She is grateful for the opportunity to serve as organist at Good Shepherd.

Parish Administrator

Adam Egan

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Adam Egan is a native Central Pennsylvanian.   He is a local Real Estate Agent, and is blessed to be joined in life with his wife Anna and 3 amazing children.   Adam is also a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and is the founder of David's Post Ministry which provides biblical counseling for men who struggle with addiction. 

Senior Warden

Drew Samuelsen

A former Marine, Drew teaches English and lives with his wonderful wife Tara and children in Carlisle, PA.  Drew has served on the vestry since January 2021 and was made Junior Warden in 2022. 

Junior Warden

James LaGrand


Vestry Member at Large

Jerry Berardi

Jerry is originally from Warren, PA. He married Anne Papalia on July 9, 1994. Jerry holds an M.S. degree in Justice Administration from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. He is retired and currently pursuing a certificate in Anglican layperson ministry through Saint Andrew's Theological College and Seminary in Landis, North Carolina, which is a church-affiliated educational institution of the Orthodox Anglican Church. He and his wife Anne and their Labrador Retrievers Abraham and Ruthie reside in Lemoyne.

Vestry Member at Large

Anna Dean Egan

Anna Dean Egan, wife to Adam Egan and mother to Abram Egan, is a Licensed Professional Counselor working in the mental health field. She grew up in the Episcopal faith and Anglican tradition having served at her previous church as the Youth Ministry Leader. Her grandfather, having been an Episcopal priest, and mother having served as both junior and senior warden, have instilled in her the importance of the Anglican faith and service to others. Her passion is to serve others with the gifts God has given her providing therapy in both a secular and Christian-based capacity with expertise in the areas of trauma and addiction.”

Vestry Member at Large

Peter Hayes

Peter Hayes lives with his wife and two children near Harrisburg, Pa.  He grew up in Pennsylvania and works in the solar industry.  His interests include theology, philosophy and history. He is currently attending Colorado Christian University where he is pursuing a major in Apologetics.

Vestry Member at Large

John West

Born and raised in Baltimore, Md. Our family worshiped at an Episcopal church, as did my grand parents. I went to confirmation class there, was confirmed as a teenager, and taught church school classes. I was an acolyte. At other churches I have been an assistant minister and Vestry member, as well as at Good Shepherd.  Professionally I have both an engineering degree and a business degree. These skills have been used to lead businesses that improve the environment. In the past decade our team has developed a utility-sized wind turbine generator that will bring low cost electricity to the 2/3rds of America which has moderate winds.  My wife Judi and I have three grown sons and four teenage grand- daughters.