Good Shepherd Anglican

A Mission of the Reformed Episcopal Church

Christian Education 9:00am

Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am


After much prayer and trusting in the Lord's Provision for our Church, we have purchased a new Church building in Carlisle PA!  Our new Address is 3500 Spring Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013.  OUR FIRST SUNDAY WILL BE JANUARY 12th, WORSHIP AT 10:00AM!!!   

News and Announcements


There will be no Sunday School classes on November 24th.  There will be Sunday School on December 1, 8 and 15.  No classes on December 22, 29 or January 5.  Classes will resume on January 12 with two options:  Old Testament Survey and a New Member's Class. 

The mission of Good Shepherd, a congregation of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC), is to make disciples of all people for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by encouraging and supporting them to live their lives guided by faith in Christ, according to the Word of God. Following the Great Commission, we baptize disciples in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to observe all that Christ has commanded us. We accomplish this through Word and Sacrament, according to the historic, orthodox liturgical worship of the Anglican tradition, and Christian education that is based on a sound Scriptural foundation. When we meet for worship, we use the Book of Common Prayer (Reformed Episcopal Church) and the Book of Common Praise Hymnal.